Thank you for your interest in my turkey calls, crow calls, and duck calls. I always appreciate your support!
All game calls are made by me, one at a time, in my Indiana workshop. I strive to build calls that are of high quality and produce realistic sounds. A lot of time is spent on the small details, quality of the finish and tunning. All wood calls are turned on a lathe by hand, no CNC, just hand made.
I sell my calls at a very reasonable price but no compromises are made in quality of materials or time spent. My hobby business is about getting hunters quality calls for a successful hunt! All calls are fully guaranteed for workmanship as long as you own it.
I am honored that my calls have won many NWTF Grand National medals along with many awards from turkey call competitions in six States.
Making turkey calls along with duck and crow calls is a passion of mine. I am also dedicated to conservation so up to 10% of all profits go back to conservation efforts with the NWTF, Ducks Unlimited and RMEF. Thank you!